Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Stretch into It!

After recovering from a knee injury, I finished running my 10th big race, the Country Music Half Marathon. Long, steady stretching has been key in my recovery. It hurt to stretch my injured muscles, but the outcome has been profound; I can now run again! Christianity is a stretching process. Just when you think you've got it all together, the Holy Spirit will allow you to be stretched beyond your comfort zone. Without stretching an injured athlete can lose his/her range of motion and may never fully heal. Without stretching a Christian will never reach his/her full potential. Next time you feel the stretching of the Holy Spirit, lean into it! You will be able to do things you never dreamed were possible!

1 comment:

  1. Amen!! Preach it, sister!! As Wilkinson wrote in "Secrets of the Vine" about Him pruning us, being stretched is the only way to make the long haul. Once we become stagnant, we sink into staleness, the segue into a state of sorry mediocrity!
    Hope the Senator's well!! He's a hero now!! Praise God for his integrity!
