Today's training run taught me I can't do the Chicago Marathon on my own strength, but I can do all things through Jesus Christ, the one who brings strength to me! I have had my right knee locking up on my last 3 training runs. I've tried massage therapy, rest, and now prayer! The race is in less than two weeks and as I am typing this, I'm standing upright in a calf -stretch position. God will have to see me through! I am again reminded of my total dependence on Him.
Please check out my website to donate to my Run for Mercy. It makes running worthwhile when I run with a purpose! The attached picture was taken at recent Mercy graduation. These two beautiful young ladies, Elyse and Hilary Joy, are the reason I run for Mercy! They have now found freedom from life controlling issues are are ready to live a life filled with purpose and meaning! It is an honor to run for Mercy!