Friday, June 24, 2011

The Simple Things in Life

Never underestimate the power of the spoken word. Proverbs 15:23 "What a joy it is to find just the right word for the right occasion!" Five years ago today my daughter, Amber, went to heaven to be with Jesus. When I think back about the time surrounding her passing, I remember the words of encouragement spoken to me by friends. Simple, heartfelt words and cards saying, "I'm praying for you." A phone call. A visit. It didn't take much, but the impact of these gestures was profound.

I recently helped my friend, Gail plant flowers. She is sprucing up her house to sell in a tough market. Gail and the rest of her family can't join her husband in another state until the house sells. Planting flowers with a friend may seem insignificant, but I am trusting that God will multiply what I gave and make a profound impact. I prayed while I planted, trusting that God would bring just the right people to buy the house. I encouraged Gail. Take what you have and give it in service to God. The impact you make will be profound!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Biggest News!

The biggest news in the McCarter household took place on May 29. It was the wedding of my son, Zach, to his highschool sweetheart, Claire. Zach and Claire are passionate about Jesus. Both worked hard in school and graduated at the top of their class with degrees in political science. Zach is stationed at Scott Air Force Base working in intelligence. Claire works at McKendree University in student affairs. True love can and does still wait; Zach and Claire are proof of that! Thank you, Jesus for blessing and rewarding Zach and Claire. God has blessed them richly because they have honored and served Him. Isn't God amazing!